Local Government Elections

An Extraordinary Election will be held on Friday 19 July 2024 to fill two vacancies. It will be a postal election conducted by the Western Australian Electoral Commission; for further information and election notices please see the WAEC website.

The following candidates have nominated for election, please click on the candidate name to read more information:

How to become an elected member

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries website provides helpful information and frequently asked questions to assist potential candidates.

Additional information and nomination forms are available from the WA Electoral Commission website.

Nannup Council

Nannup Council is comprised of seven elected members; a Shire President and six councillors.

The 2023 Local Government Election saw the number of elected members reduce from eight to seven and also the abolishment of the electoral wards. For further details of this review please see the January 2023 Minutes of the Ordinary Council here.

Do I need to vote?

While voting for local government elections isn't compulsory the Shire encourages all eligible electors to take part.

Am I eligible to vote?

Residents who are on the Federal/State roll for a property within the Nannup electorate are automatically enrolled for a Council election.

An elector will be from one of three groups of people who are eligible for enrolment.

  1. residents who are on the Legislative Assembly roll for a property within the district or ward (the electorate);

  2. non-resident owners or occupiers of rateable property within an electorate who are on a State or Federal roll for a residence outside the electorate;

  3. owners or occupiers of rateable property within an electorate who are not on a State or Federal roll (not Australian Citizens) but who:

    - were enrolled on the last completed owners and occupiers roll of the local government under the previous Local Government Act; and

    - have owned or occupied rateable property within the district continuously since that roll was prepared.

How to register to vote?

Residents who are on the Federal/State roll for a property within the Nannup electorate are automatically enrolled for a Council election.

All other eligible residents or owners must register by completing an application form available to download below:

Enrolment Eligibility Application Form

For occupiers of rateable property, an application remains valid for two ordinary elections before a new application needs to be made.

To be enrolled as an occupier, a person must have a right of continuous occupation under a lease, tenancy agreement or other legal instrument. The right of continuous occupation must extend for a period of at least three months from the time the person claims enrolment. The Shire requires a copy of the lease, showing the continuous occupation for at least three months, included with an enrolment eligibility application.

Applications from owners of rateable property will remain valid for all ordinary elections unless there is a change in their eligibility such as they cease to own the property.

Where rateable property is owned or occupied by two persons, both are eligible to be enrolled. If property is owned or occupied by more than two owners or occupiers or the owner or occupier is a company (body corporate), only two people can be nominated to enrol. The same two people must be nominated for all of the properties within the district that are owned or occupied by the company or people concerned. This ensures that in any election, a company or multiple owners or occupiers have no greater voting rights than a couple who own or occupy rateable property. If there are separate occupancies within a building or property, up to two people can be enrolled for each occupancy.

WA Electoral Commission

Further information including forms and publications is available from the WA Electoral Commission and the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries.