Noise & Nuisances


Unreasonable noise can be annoying. It can interfere with the health, welfare, convenience, comfort or amenity of a person receiving the noise. In most cases, noise issues are resolved by the people involved.

Talking with your neighbours and coming up with a solution is the best way to deal with the problem. It could be as easy as turning down the bass on your stereo or practicing your musical instrument when your neighbour is still at work.

Where this hasn't helped, the Shire of Nannup's Environmental Health Officer or the WA Police may be contacted for assistance.

The Shire will require you to complete a Noise Investigation Request Form and record necessary details. Information such as the nature of the complaint, duration and exact location of the noise source is required. The Shire will then investigate the matter further and determine whether the noise complies with the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997.

If you have problems with noise from barking dogs please contact the Shire's Ranger Services on 9756 1018 as this matter is covered under the Dog Act 1976 and not the noise regulations.

Noise Investigation Request Form


Public health legislation exists to govern nuisances by way of odour and their potential to be injurious or dangerous to health. This can take the form of malfunctioning septic tank systems, keeping animals in such a way so to create a foul odour or attract pests, as well as any form of accumulation that in itself creates a nuisance or attracts or harbours pests.

Part 5 of the Shire of Nannup Health Local Laws have been implemented to specifically outline how certain activities may be carried out so as to minimize any potential impact to any neighbouring properties.

If you would like to lodge a complaint about a nuisance, please complete a General Request Form and return it to the Shire administration office or by email to for follow up by the Shire's Environmental Health Officer.

Shire of Nannup Health Local Laws

General Request Form