Emergency Preparedness & Management

Storm & Severe Weather Preparedness

The State Emergency Service (SES) is a volunteer division of the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES), Western Australia’s leading Hazard Management Agency (HMA) for natural disasters.

SES volunteers play a vital role in responding to natural disasters and emergencies on behalf of the community.

What is the SES telephone number?

  • 132 500
  • 9756 1322 (local number for non emergency enquiries only)

Before you call the SES think about the following:

  • The nature of your enquiry and whether the SES is appropriate for your needs
  • Call triple zero (000) for fire and life threatening emergencies call
  • Call 132 500 for urgent property repairs that you cannot fix yourself.

When you call the SES

Due to the high level of demand during a natural disaster people need to remain patient and be prepared to wait.

  • Speak slowly and clearly
  • Tell us exactly where to come
  • All requests are prioritised by urgency
  • Major structural damage will be attended to first
  • Avoid clogging up emergency hotlines with unrelated requests

What will the SES help me with?

  • Assisting with significant structural damage like collapsed roofs or ceilings
  • Making temporary emergency repairs to homes and buildings
  • Removing fallen trees that have damaged homes and cars
  • Sandbagging areas in danger of flooding
  • Pumping out flood water
  • Rescuing trapped or injured people, and helping people relocate if they are in danger

What won’t the SES help me with?

  • Clearing debris and organising permanent repairs
  • Attending to broken fences, trees that have fallen on fences or if there is debris around your property or in your pool
  • Basic repairs that you can manage yourself

Local Emergency Management Arrangements

Animal Welfare Plan
In 2013 in conjunction with community groups and individuals, the Animal Welfare Plan was established to assist with the management and wellbeing of animals during and after an emergency.
If you are interested in assisting, can provide transport or a fenced area for domestic animals to be sheltered, please print off the form and return to the Shire of Nannup front office.
For more information please contact the Shire office on 9756 1018.
Shire of Nannup Local Emergency Management Plan