Planning influences where we live, what services are available and how the Shire of Nannup will develop in the years to come.
Most development of land within the Shire of Nannup, generally other than a single house, swimming pools and small sheds, requires development approval. Proposed developments must comply with the Shire of Nannup Local Planning Scheme No.4 (LPS4).
Development approval is required for houses and sheds, for instance, if a setback variation is proposed, the proposal varies from the provisions of the Residential Design Codes of Western Australia, or the site is within a floodway, heritage area or landscape protection area.
Development approval is also required for the erection of most advertising signs.
For more information on development within the Shire of Nannup contact:
Development Services Team
Mon - Fri: 9.00am to 4:00pm
Ph: 08 9756 1018
The Shire of Nannup has also created an interactive property map which can be used to determine the zoning and land uses that can be considered by Council for properties throughout the Shire. To access the map, please click the button below.
Please note that only freehold land, local reserves and public open space are included on this map. Areas of State Forest and National Parks are currently left grey but may be included in future.
Development Application Fee Calculator
To determine the planning fees payable for the following application types, please use the calculator below:
- New Application for Development Approval
- Extension of a Conditional Development Approval
- Amendment of an Existing Development Approval
- Renewal of a Home Occupation Approval
- Retrospective Development Approval
- Road Closure Application
- Application for a Section 40 Certificate (Liquor Licensing)
For all other applications, please contact the Shire for assistance in calculating the fees. A full list of the Shire's Planning Fees & Charges can be downloaded here.
Application forms can be downloaded from the following links.
Download a Development Application Form
Download a Sign Application Form (needs to be accompanied by a completed Development Application Form)
To submit an online enquiry, click here
Local Planning Strategy
The Western Australian Planning Commission has recently endorsed the modified Local Planning Strategy. The endorsed modified Strategy is available at the following links and at the Shire office.
Local Planning Strategy 2018
Local Planning Strategy - Location Plan
Local Planning Strategy - Strategy Plan North
Local Planning Strategy - Strategy Plan South
Local Planning Strategy - Strategy Plan Nannup Townsite & Surrounds
Local Planning Strategy - Precinct Plan
The Local Planning Strategy (2007) and the Nannup Townsite Strategy (2000) have been rescinded.
Local Planning Scheme No.4
Local governments are responsible for planning their local communities by ensuring appropriate planning controls exist for land use and development.
Local planning schemes set out the way land is to be used and developed, classify areas for land use and include provisions to coordinate infrastructure and development within the local government area.
The Shire of Nannup Local Planning Scheme No.4 was gazetted on 24th November 2022. The Scheme and associated Local Planning Policies can be found at the links below.
Local Planning Scheme No.4
Local Planning Policies
Local Planning Scheme No.3 has been rescinded.
Planning Fact Sheets
Ancillary Dwellings
Camping on Private Property
Flood Prone Areas
Setbacks and Building Envelopes
Short-Term Rental Accommodation
Residential Design Codes
The Residential Design Codes (the R-Codes) control the design of most residential development throughout Western Australia. The R-Codes aim to address emerging design trends, promote sustainability, improve clarity and highlight assessment pathways to facilitate better outcomes for residents. They are also used for the assessment of residential subdivision proposals and should be read with Development Control Policy 2.2 Residential Subdivision for this purpose.
The R-Codes Explanatory Guidelines and Practice Notes provide assistance on operation and interpretation of provisions.
The R-Codes are administered and applied by local government, so all enquiries relating to specific development proposals (including the application and interpretation of provisions of the R-Codes to specific development proposals) should be directed to the Shire of Nannup.
State Planning Policy 7.3 - Residential Design Codes
Subdivision Applications
Subdivision or amalgamation applications are determined by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC). However the Shire of Nannup has an important role in providing recommendations to the WAPC on subdivision or amalgamation applications.
For further information, the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage and the WAPC can be reached as follows:
Ph: (08) 9791 0577
Address: 6th Floor Bunbury Tower, 61 Victoria Street, Bunbury
Bushfire Land-Use Planning
Bushfire poses a serious threat to people, property, infrastructure and the environment in Western Australia and reducing our vulnerability to bushfire is a collective, whole-of-community responsibility.
Bushfire land-use planning and development reforms, introduced in late 2015, aim to manage and reduce the risk of bushfire across the State.
To check if your property is located within a declared bushfire prone area, please click the button below.
Map of Bushfire Prone Areas WA
You can find further information about bushfire land-use planning on the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website and at the following links:
If you require a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Assessment for your development, or if you need to have a Bushfire Management Plan or Bushfire Emergency Evacuation Plan prepared by a Bushfire Planning and Design (BPAD) Accredited Practitioner, please contact the Shire of Nannup to obtain contact details for local providers.
A full list of BPAD Accredited Practitioners can be found at the following link
Liquor Licences (Section 39 and 40 Certificates)
If your business includes the sale or consumption of alcohol, you will require a liquor licence which is issued by the Department of Local Government Sport and Cultural Industries under the Liquor Control Act 1988.
How do I obtain a Liquor Licence?
Business owners should first contact the Department of Local Government Sport and Cultural Industries directly to determine what approvals are required.
Phone: (08) 6551 4888
You may then need to contact the Shire to obtain a section 39 and/or section 40 certificate to support your application.
What is a Section 39 or Section 40 certificate?
To support your Liquor Licence application, you may be asked to provide a Section 39 and/or Section 40 certificate which is issued by the Shire.
A Section 39 Certificate is issued by our Environmental Health Officer and states the premise or the proposed premise complies with the Health Act 1911 and the Food Act 1995.
A Section 40 Certificate is issued by our Development Services team and states that the proposed use of the premises is consistent with the current planning approval affecting the property.
How do I apply for a Section 40 certificate?
For a Section 40 certifiate, you will need to complete a Liquor Licence Application (Section 40) which will be assessed by our Development Services team.
For your application to be processed you will need to provide the following:
- completed application form
- application fee for Section 40 certificate
- detailed site plan (to scale) clearly identifying the proposed liquor area intended for use
- detailed internal floor plan, highlighting the specific area/s where the liquor licence will apply (eg. main hall, dining room etc).
Application for a Section 40 Certificate