Nannup Local Drug Action Group
The Nannup Local Drug Action Group (LDAG) promotes well-being and engagement to help reduce the harm from alcohol and other drugs and meets 6 times a year.
All minutes for the Nannup Local Drug Action Group (LDAG) are attached to Ordinary Council Meeting agendas for endorsement.
Nannup LDAG was established in 2003 in conjunction with the Youth Advisory Council, supported by Council’s Community Development Officer.
LDAG has traditionally had a youth focus in Nannup, supporting young people to participate in skills development, youth leadership programs, camps and school holiday programs.
In 2015 the decision was made to expand the membership of the group to include stakeholder agencies and community members, formalising the structure of Nannup
In 2016 the Nannup LDAG applied and was successful in also being recognised as a Local Drug Action Team (LDAT), the National equivalent of the LDAG. Funding was received to commence implementing the Strategic Plan and a Project Officer was appointed.

LDAG was approached by Roadwise to establish a community reference group in Nannup. As the same stakeholders would be involved in both groups, it was decided to merge the group and to incorporate Roadwise activities into the strategic planning.
In 2017 discussion commenced with the Mental Health Commission to transition the Nannup LDAG Strategic Plan to an Alcohol & Other Drugs Management Plan.
The ultimate goal is to transition to a community driven organisation with shared responsibilities for ensuring the strategies and objectives are actioned and evaluated.

In 2019, the Nannup Youth Zone was created with this in mind, however due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, growth of this facility was stunted. In July 2021, the Alcohol.Think Again Nannup Youth Zone was revamped, and is utilised to ensure the youth in the community have access to a space where the above can be developed.

Strategic Plan
Read the Nannup LDAG Strategic Plan 2021-2024
The development of the Strategic Plan seeks to guide Nannup Shire Council, stakeholders, service providers and community in;
a) reducing the level of harmful alcohol and other drug use in the region by:
- Supporting partnerships between community and service providers, identifying and addressing local issues.
- Guiding the allocation of resources and funding to implement actions and strategies, and;
- Providing a means to evaluate an evidence based, whole of community prevention approach in a timely and appropriate manner.
b) Reducing road trauma by:
- Implementing awareness and education strategies with a particular focus on driving whilst under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.