Nannup Music Festival is held every year during the March long weekend www.nannupmusicfestival.org |
Make Smoking History Forest Rally is held in May of each year www.forestrally.com.au |
SEVEN Gravel Race, now part of the UCI Gravel World Series and held in May of each year www.sevengravelrace.com |
Flower and Garden Festival is held every August for up to four weeks www.nannupgardens.org.au |
Nannup Cup Power Dinghy Race and the Blackwood Classic 250 Power Dinghy Race are held each June and September www.dinghyracing.com.au |
Tour of Margaret River, a team road cycling event held each November www.tourofmargaretriver.com |
The Shire of Nannup Family Fun Day on the third Tuesday in January |
Australia Day breakfast on the 26 January each year. |