The Shire of Nannup's Youth Program is funded through the Community Action Plan (CAP), through the Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF) and coordinated through the Nannup Local Action Group (LDAG). The team focuses on working with young people between the ages of 11 and 18 to enhance their connections to the community, through active participation and delivery of a variety of programs and activities.
The programs and activities are developed in conjunction with the young people of our Shire and aim to cater for a variety of interests and backgrounds.
Activities and Programs
The Shire offers a variety of programs such as:
- After School Art
- School Holiday Programs
- KidSport
- REED Nannup
To stay up to date on the programs and one-off events, check out the Nannup LDAG Facebook Page here or view our events calendar here
Following are links to other support services available to young people.
Health and wellbeing related services
- Beyond Blue: An avenue for you to find help when it feels like there is nowhere else to go and no one understands
- Drug Aware: An information service that is for you and / or your family
- Head Space: Information for young people on mental health
- Hope Community Services: Hope Community Services provide a number of services for young people including counselling, street outreach and youth bail option programs
- Kids Help Line: Confidential information and counselling line for young people
- Lifeline: 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services
- Parkerville Children and Youth Care: Advocacy, counselling, young mums' program, at risk youth and children accommodation, family therapy service, moving out moving on program
- Sexual Health Quarters: A one stop shop for all family planning and sexual health needs and information
- The Freedom Centre: A confidential information and referral centre for LGBTIQ or otherwise gender or sexuality diverse young people
- Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia: The main body for anything to do with youth affairs and young people
School Holiday Program
A variety of activities for different age groups are organised during the school holidays for everyone.
All activities are sponsored by the Shire of Nannup, Nannup LDAG, Alcohol and Drug Foundation and Holyoake.
April School Holiday Program - Season of DJERAN - Cooler weather begins.
The first program is open! We are thinking about SCHOOL HOLIDAYS already!
Something for all ages 8 and over
Come along to learn about illustration / cartooning / animation with Mark Guthrie who is passionate and fun!
Thursday 24 April 2:00-3:30pm Nannup Library
$5 per ticket - Book now


The Shire of Nannup has been successful in receiving funding from the Department of Sport and Recreation to administer the KidSport program.
KidSport makes it possible for eligible children to join a not-for-profit sport or recreation club, by contributing up to $200 towards paying club registration and other agreed fees.
To be eligible children must;
- Live within the Shire of Nannup
- Be aged 5 – 18 years
- Have a Health Care Card or Pension Concession Card
If you do not have a Health Care Card or Pension Concession Card, but suffer from financial difficulty you may visit a KidSport referral agent to determine if you are eligible to receive funding.
Applicants can apply for KidSport funding to pay fees for a number of registered clubs. Funding is only available to cover fees of clubs that are registered for KidSport with the Shire of Nannup. The list of registered clubs is continually growing, if the club you would like to join is not currently registered, please contact Annie Crutchlow on 9756 1018 to discuss if it is eligible to become a registered club.
How to Apply:
- Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria.
- Complete the KidSport Application Form online at
- Parent/Guardian must complete all sections of the Application Voucher.
Validated application vouchers must then be presented to selected clubs to complete the registration process.
REED Nannup (Regional Early Education and Development
Click through to website
Community Development Officer
08 9756 1018