Local Heritage Survey Review

The Shire of Nannup has recently commenced a review of its Local Heritage Survey (LHS). All local governments in Western Australia are required to undertake an LHS review every 5 to 8 years. The Local Heritage Survey (previously known as the Municipal Heritage Inventory) is a guiding document describing places that have cultural heritage significance.

These places tell the story of the local government area. A heritage place can take many forms - buildings, parks, memorials, trees, landscapes and archaeological remains. Inclusion of a place on the LHS does not have a statutory implication for planning and development.

The Shire has undertaken community consultation. Heritage site owners were notified via post while all Shire of Nannup ratepayers were informed about the project via public notices on the Shire of Nannup website, notification in the Nannup Telegraph and via social media posts. A copy was also placed in the Shire office for public viewing. 

This provided the community a chance to submit information on places that they think are important, highlight gaps in the themes representing the Shire's heritage, and reinforced the importance of places that are already listed.

The Shire will now assess information and nominations received from the community, collate the relevant information and add into a final draft prior to being forwarded to Council for approval.

Local Heritage Survey - Draft

What is heritage and why is it important?

The Heritage Act 2018 defines cultural heritage significance as:

“Aesthetic, historic, scientific, social or spiritual value for individuals or groups within Western Australia. Cultural heritage significance may be embodied in a place itself and in any of its fabric, setting, use, associations, meanings, records, related places and related objects. A place may have diverse values for different individuals or groups.”

Heritage is what we inherit from previous generations and recognise as something that we want to pass on to future generations. Heritage helps us to understand the story of both Western Australia and the local community - our history, identity and diversity.

Heritage is wide-ranging and consists of buildings, structures, gardens, cemeteries, landscapes, heritage areas, shipwrecks and archaeological sites. We want to protect and pass on significant examples of these places to future generations so they will be able to enjoy a rich and diverse cultural environment and understand what came before them.

What is a Local Heritage Survey and why does our Shire have one?

An LHS (previously called a Municipal Heritage Inventory) is a list of places which, in the opinion of the community and the Shire, are, or may become, of cultural heritage significance and their importance to the local community.

The Heritage Act 2018 requires all local government authorities in Western Australia to survey all places in regard to heritage, and to periodically update that survey. In response to this requirement the Shire is updating the original 1996 Municipal Heritage Inventory.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the Act, updating the LHS assists the Shire of Nannup to:

  • Provide a cultural and historic record of the places which help shape our identity as a community;
  • Provide information on our local history for current and future generations;
  • Determine the Shire’s heritage conservation policies; and,
  • Achieve the heritage conservation objectives required by the State planning regulations.

What is the difference between the Local Heritage Survey and the Heritage List?

The Heritage List only includes Categories A, B and C places of cultural heritage significance recorded in the LHS. These places are automatically protected under the Shire's Local Planning Scheme and Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015. The nomination of a place is a testament to its cultural heritage significance, and we believe that it has the potential to contribute to the Shire’s history. Management Category D places do not have statutory protection.

What are management categories?

Some places are more significant to the community than others and some places have been lost over time, with only the site remaining.

Classifications of Significance set by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) in its Guidelines for Local Heritage Surveys (August 2022) recognise the levels of significance and corresponding Management Categories provide recommendations as to the kind of care that should be taken for each place. Each place in the LHS will be afforded a Classification of Significance between A and D as follows:

  • A. Exceptional significance - essential to the heritage of the locality.
  • B. Considerable significance - very important to the heritage of the locality.
  • C. Some/moderate significance - contributes to the heritage of the locality.
  • D. Little significance - has elements or values worth noting for community interest but otherwise makes little contribution.

How is a place identified as having cultural heritage significance?

You can nominate a place for possible inclusion in the LHS by providing as much information as possible. Nominate a place using the Shire’s Place Nomination Form below.

Places are selected for inclusion on the LHS and/or the Heritage List based on their cultural heritage significance to the locality. A place or area will be of significance to the locality if it has one or more of the values defined by the Heritage Council of Western Australia.

New Heritage Place Nomination

What is the assessment process after a place has been nominated?

Step 1: The Shire will review the evidence and information provided in the nomination form and assess the place against the cultural heritage values. These values are explained in greater detail in the DPLH Guidelines for the Assessment of Local Heritage Places.

Step 2: Where a nominated place is considered to meet the threshold for inclusion in the LHS, a place record will be created with a classification identifying the contribution of the place to the Shire’s local cultural heritage.

Step 3: The Shire will then prepare a report to Council on the LHS. The report will be presented to Council to endorse the draft LHS for a 21-day public comment period. The Shire will contact all owners of new places proposed for inclusion in the LHS prior to the Council meeting. The Shire will also write to existing and proposed place owners, occupants and relevant stakeholders providing opportunity for comment during the 21-day public comment period.

Step 4: Once the public comment period has closed, the feedback will be analysed and further amendments may be proposed to the LHS.

Step 5: The revised LHS will then be presented to Council to consider for final adoption.

What if a place I own is nominated by someone else?

If your place is nominated by someone else, the Shire will assess your place as per the assessment process.

The Shire will contact you prior to the Council meeting to endorse the draft LHS for public comment, to advise that your property has been nominated and whether or not it is supported by the Shire for inclusion in the draft LHS.

Comments can then be made during the public comment period on any proposed new inclusions to the LHS, which will be considered before the LHS is put to Council for final adoption.

How does inclusion in the Heritage List affect my place?

Inclusion of a place on the Heritage List does not prevent essential future modification or development to ensure its upkeep.

Further information to justify the works may be required to ensure they will not detrimentally impact the place’s heritage significance. Any proposals to modify or develop on a heritage-listed place are required to demonstrate how they will align with the heritage values of the site.

The proposed modification of any place will be assessed under the Shire’s Local Planning Scheme No.4 and the relevant planning policy that guides development of a place that has been identified as having heritage significance. Development approval from the Shire is required for any works, demolition or change in land use affecting a heritage-listed property.

Should demolition be approved, the Shire will retain a public record of all places removed from the Heritage List and the reason for removal on its website in addition to an appendix within the LHS.

What do I do if my property is included and I want to remove it from the Local Heritage Survey or the Heritage List?

You are required to submit your request in writing to the Shire of Nannup to allow your request to be considered. It is unlikely that the Shire will support proposals to remove places from the LHS or Heritage List as the places have been assessed as being contributory to the Shire’s history.

Removal of a place may adversely impact the historic understanding of the Shire as a consequence.

Update Existing Place Record

How can I request changes to an existing place record in the Local Heritage Survey?

You can complete an ‘Update an existing place record form’ to:

  • Provide additional information to be included about an existing place record
  • Request a change to the classification category or an existing place
  • Request a place be removed from the LHS

Update Existing Place Record


Below are some useful links to information about heritage at a Shire of Nannup and State Government level.


Place Nomination Form

Update Existing Place Record

If you have any queries please contact the Shire’s Development Services Team

Phone: 08 9756 1018

Email: nannup@nanup.wa.gov.au