Warren Blackwood Stock Route

The Warren Blackwood Stock Route (WBSR) is a 345km bridle trail based on the historic stock droving routes of the original farming families of the South West. The Stock Route stretches from the coast at Nannup to Broke Inlet near Walpole and connects a number of towns and camping destinations including Bridgetown, Manjimup, Quinninup, Shannon and Willow Springs.
The WBSR is listed on the Experience Nannup app under 'Walking and Horse Trails'. The whole Stock Route map is accessible on the app, along with information about each camp site. External links are also available to check for trail closures, bushfires and prescribed burns as well as other tips on how to stay safe.
The WBSR is designed to be completed in smaller or larger sections and there are eight equine friendly campsites dotted along the route at intervals of between 15km and 46 km, and sections of self-reliant trail to explore toward the coast.

The trail meanders through some of the most picturesque countryside the Southern Forests and Valleys region has to offer. Through Karri and Jarrah forests to farmland and the coast, the trail provides an opportunity for trail enthusiasts to experience the historic footsteps of the pioneer farming families that moved cattle to the coastal South West.

Image credit: Muir family, White Elephant Bridge
The Warren Blackwood Stock Route was constructed as a WBAC project and funded by the Shires of Bridgetown-Greenbushes, Manjimup and Nannup, the South West Development Commission, Lotterywest and the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries.
For further information:
Download the Experience Nannup app to find the Warren Blackwood Stock Route map.
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Please follow the link to Southern Forests & Valleys to leave feedback. You can use the form to report any issues or concerns you encountered along the stock route, ensuring its safety and accessibility for all.
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