Rubbish and Recycling
Fees and Charges
Request for a new bin or replacement of damaged bin
How to find the Nannup Waste Management Facility
Townsite Kerbside Refuse & Recycling Collection
All Nannup townsite residences are provided with a kerbside refuse collection. Mobile garbage bins are provided and bins are collected once weekly on Wednesday mornings.
An information “calendar” included with the rates each financial year confirms the dates of recycling collection up until 30 June the following year. Recycling collection is every second Wednesday.
The collection of refuse in the Townsite has been contracted to Cleanaway who should be the first point of call regarding any complaint. If a complaint is unresolved, it should be directed to the Shire Offices.
A kerbside recycling service is also available for townsite residents.
- The recycling bin will be picked up every two weeks on the same day as your rubbish bin is collected.
- The information about what you can place in the recycling bin is hot stamped on the front of each bin.
- All recyclables go in the same bin - do not put recyclables in plastic bags.
The recycling collection service will only take the following;

- Paper (including newspaper) and cardboard.
- Glass bottles and jars - rinsed with lids removed.
- Aluminium cans and foil.
- Steel cans- rinsed.
- Plastic - milk, juice and soft drink bottles - rinsed lids removed (includes polyethylene (PET), polyvinyl (PVC) and high density polyethylene (HDPE).
- Milk and juice cartons - rinsed.
The collection will not take:
- Clothing - Please take unwanted clean clothing to Good Sammy's or Vinnies.
- Batteries -Batteries are accepted free at all waste disposal sites.
- Polystyrene - un-recyclable in rural areas.
- Plastic bags- take back to Coles or Woolworth's.
- Any liquids or chemicals- Dangerous to staff sorting recyclables.
- Rubber - not yet recyclable.
- Paint -contaminates collected recyclables.
- Electronic equipment - take to waste disposal sites - charges apply.
- Mobile phones- take to Shire office - no charge.
- Shoes- take good shoes to Vinnies or Good Sammys.
- Any food scraps- compost, feed to chooks or worm farm.
- Greenwaste (lawn clippings and prunings) compost or take to waste disposal sites.
Tips on how to recycle right
- Keep plastic bags out of your home recycling as they can cause problems when placed in your kerbside recycling bin. For safety reasons, staff at the recycling centre cannot open plastic bags as the contents may be dangerous or dirty; they are sent to landfill. Bags also interfere with the sorting machines. To avoid these problems simply put your recyclable items straight into the recycling bin.
- Remove the lids from your plastic bottles, rinse (preferably with left over dishwashing water) and make sure they are empty before you place them in your recycling bin. Doing this prevents liquid spilling and ruining other recyclable products or damaging the equipment at the recycling centre. Place plastic bottle tops in your rubbish bin, since they are too small to be recycled.
- If you have broken glass or ceramics like ovenproof dishes, drinking glasses or mugs, throw these in your rubbish bin. If they end up in your recycling bin, they will contaminate the recyclable glass bottles. Just 15g of ovenproof glass can contaminate one tonne of normal glass, making it useless for recycling.
- Australians are great at recycling aluminium drink cans. However one in three cans is still not recycled. If you're out at a picnic or barbeque, remember to take your cans home with you to be recycled.
- Reduce food waste by making a meal plan and shopping list, and buying to the list. Financially and environmentally it's better to buy more later if you need it, than to waste what you have too much of. On average 33% of the contents of Sulo bins in Australia is food scraps. Make other meals with your leftovers, and recycle your food scraps with a compost heap, worm farm or bokashi bucket. Worm farms and compost bins are available from Council or local hardware stores.
- Steel twist tops and jam jar lids can also be recycled, but they are too small to go straight in the recycling bin. The best way to recycle them is to collect them in an empty steel can and squeeze the top closed. Then the can with the tops inside can go into the recycling bin.