Council Meetings
Ordinary Council Meetings
- Ordinary meetings of Council start at 4.30 pm.
- Any change to a scheduled meeting date is advertised.
- Special meetings of Council are held on an 'as required' basis.
- Council meetings are held at the Shire of Nannup Office, Adam Street Nannup. Entry is via the back entrance.
Public Participation and Question Time
All Council meetings (unless otherwise decided by Council) are open to the public; residents, ratepayers and other interested parties are welcome to attend.
Public Question Time is conducted in accordance Section 5.7 of the Shire of Nannup Meeting Procedures Local Law 2010:
- Questions must be brief and concise, relating to the ordinary business of the Shire of Nannup/function of the Council
- Please note that no debate or discussion will be permitted on any question or answer
- Questions must be asked directly to the Presiding Member at the meeting, who at their discretion may:
- Accept or reject the question
- Request a member of the public to re-phrase their statement in the form of a question
- Nominate a Member of the Council and/or an Officer to answer the question.
- A question may be 'taken on notice' for later response, which will be provided in writing and form part of the following Council Meeting agenda
- A summary of each question and response will be recorded in the minutes.
Public question time is held at the start of each meeting. Questions submitted in writing prior to the meeting will, where possible, be responded to at the meeting. Written and verbal questions can also be submitted directly to the meeting; however, an immediate response might not be possible on every occasion. Responses to these questions will be provided as soon as possible after the meeting.
All questions submitted (either in writing or verbally) will be included as part of the minutes of the meeting.
Conduct of Meetings of the Council, Committees and Electors
All meetings of the Shire of Nannup Council are conducted in accordance with the Act, the Regulations and the Shire of Nannup Standing Orders Local Law 2010. The effect of the local law is intended to result in -
- better decision-making at meetings.
- the orderly and efficient conduct of meetings; and
- greater community understanding of the business of the Council.
If you have any questions regarding Council meetings or documents, please email or submit an online enquiry form here.
Council Meeting Dates