Environmental Health

The Shire's Environmental Health Service aims to keep the Shire free of the environmental health impacts that may occur when the public are exposed to hazardous substances and environments. Environmental health studies show how the environment (air, water, soil, physical, chemical, biological and social) influences and impacts human health.

Services include, but are not limited to, food safety, accommodation, water (drinking, waste and recreational), noise, pollution, nuisances, event safety, street trading, public building safety, offensive trades, infectious disease and sanitation.

Please select from the links below for more information.

A full list of the Shire's Environmental Health Fees & Charges can be downloaded here


Accommodation businesses catering for more than six people must register annually as a lodging house and comply with the Part 8 of the Shire's Health Local Law. Planning approval is also required. A lodging house is any establishment that accommodates more than six persons (excluding the family operating the business) and includes any number of accommodation buildings on a single lot. Lodging houses include motels that do not have a publican's general liquor licence, backpacker establishments, dwellings, chalets and rural workers accommodation buildings.

Application for Registration of a Lodging House

When a registered lodging house is sold, the new owner must notify the Shire using the form at the link below.

Notice of Change of Owner of a Lodging House

Short term holiday accommodation catering for six or less people is not classed as a lodging house and as such does not require registration as an accommodation business. However, planning approval is still required.

For more information on lodging houses, please call the Shire's Environmental Health Officer on 9756 1018.


What is asbestos?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring material that was widely used in building materials up to 1987. It is commonly found in materials such as:

  • Roofing, shingles and siding;
  • Fencing;
  • Exterior/interior wall cladding;
  • Backing material on floor tiles and vinyl flooring;
  • Textured paints; and
  • Water or flue pipes.

When such materials are left undisturbed they are relatively harmless. However if the material is damaged or disturbed it may release fibres into the air which can be dangerous to your health.

How do I know if a material contains asbestos?

Generally, a person cannot determine whether a material contains asbestos simply by looking at it. Careful visual examination and the use of a microscope is the only way to verify the presence of asbestos. Look in the Yellow Pages under 'analysts' for a NATA accredited laboratory that can confirm the presence of asbestos in a product.

If in doubt, and the material is installed prior to 1988, treat the suspect material as though it does contain asbestos.

What are the health effects of asbestos exposure?

In its raw form, asbestos is well known to cause health effects in humans. Exposure to asbestos fibres can cause the following diseases: asbestosis, pleural plaque, lung cancer and mesothelioma.

The risk of developing an asbestos related disease depends on the total number of fibres inhaled. To date, the majority of people who have developed asbestos related diseases have been exposed to relatively large numbers of fibres, as a result of contact with the material in their occupation over a long period.

Generally, undisturbed asbestos cement products do not pose a health risk, as the fibres are bound together in a solid cement matrix.

Disposal of asbestos

Asbestos can be legally and safely disposed of in the designated area within the Nannup Waste Management Facility. Please contact the Shire office on 9756 1018 before attending the facility to confirm that the designated area is available.

Please refer to the Shire's fees and charges for disposal costs.


  1. Separate asbestos-containing material from other material for disposal.
  2. Wrap asbestos-containing products in heavy duty plastic so fibres are not released when being transported or handled.  Double-wrap to ensure it is properly sealed.
  3. Label the package with the words “CAUTION ASBESTOS” in letters at least 50mm high.
  4. Inform the gate attendant of the presence of asbestos and follow instructions of where to unload it.

Loads not complying with the above procedures will be rejected at the discretion of the operator.


If you take asbestos-containing material to a disposal site you MUST inform the person who operates the facility that the material is, or contains, asbestos.


Penalties exist if an offence, such as illegal disposal of waste, is committed under the Environmental Protection Act 1986 or the Litter Act 1979.

More information

To find out more about asbestos in the home, workplace or environment, please visit the Australian Government's Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency.

Caravan Parks & Camping

The Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Act 1995 (the Act) is the principal legislation governing caravanning and camping in Western Australia. For those people considering establishing a caravan park or camping ground, it is strongly suggested that you obtain a copy of the Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Regulations 1997. Within it is a lot of pertinent information to the requirements for the setting up and maintaining of a caravan park or camping ground.

In addition to caravan parks, this legislation also governs other camping issues. People found to be camping in locations where they have not sought permission of the landowner face infringements or the possibility of prosecution. For land owned or vested with the Shire of Nannup, unless prior approval has been granted, the penalty for a successful prosecution is up to $1,000. 

Application for Grant of Renewal of Licence - Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds

Camping approval for an event

Should you wish to provide camping facilities for an event, you must apply in writing to the Shire of Nannup not less than 6 weeks before the event, for approval for a temporary camping ground. Please contact the Shire's Event's Coordinator on 9756 1018 or at nannup@nannup.wa.gov.au if you would like to offer temporary camping for an event.

For more information, please refer to Council's policy HLT3 Temporary Caravan Parks & Camping Grounds.

Food Premises

All food businesses and community groups engaging in the sale or provision of food, are subject to the requirements of the Food Act 2008 and Food Regulations 2009. Namely, you will be required to complete a registration/notification process. The Act is the principle piece of legislation regulating the sale/provision of food in Western Australia and provides food safety regulation over the entire food supply chain; a paddock to plate approach. This represents a significant shift in the direction of food regulation and management within WA.

Register your food business

One of the critical requirements if you are selling prepared food to the public, is to register your food business by completing a registration/notification form and paying the relevant application fee. Once we receive your registration, it will be assessed and if compliant, a certificate of registration will be issued. You only need to register once, but you are required to notify the Shire of any changes since your original application.

An annual inspection fee is payable by food businesses and is determined based on the risk assigned to your business as noted on your Food Business Registration Certificate.

Registration with the Shire will also enable you to trade at Shire approved events/markets (with the event/market manager's approval).

Food Business Registration/Notification Form

Charitable community groups 

If your charitable organisation (such as a nursing home) or community group (such as a school canteen run by the P & C) is providing food to the public, you also need to complete the registration/notification form. Once you notify us, we'll assess your application and if compliant, issue a certificate of notification. You may be exempt from all or some of the fees.

Temporary stall permits

Trading other than at your registered premises or a Shire approved event/market requires a temporary stall permit. The permit is in addition to your registration/notification under the Act.

As an example, a mobile food van is required to register their food business and obtain a temporary stall permit in order to set up and trade.

Please note that all events within the Shire of Nannup have designated areas for food vans/stalls and trading outside of these areas will require you to obtain a Temporary Stall Permit prior to the event. If you are trading within an event precinct as specified by the event organiser, please download and complete the Event Food Stall Permit Application Form.

Temporary Stall Permit Application Form

Event Food Stall Permit Application Form

Preparing food at home

Preparing food in residential premises for sale/provision to the public, requires the approval of the Shire. You will need to complete the registration/notification form, pay the relevant application fee and ensure you comply with the Food Standards Code. For further information, refer to the above 'Register your food business'.

Shire approval for home food businesses, will only be given for foods that are not potentially hazardous. Potentially hazardous foods means food that is capable of supporting rapid growth of infectious or toxigenic micro-organism (e.g. raw or cooked meat, poultry, seafood, egg or dairy based products and cooked rice).

If the use of your home kitchen is a one-off for a fundraising event, you may wish to submit a temporary food stall application instead.

Constructing or renovating a food premises

If you are intending to build a new food premises, renovate an existing food premises or fit out an existing building to become a food premises, you will be required to submit details of the proposed premises to the Shire's Environmental Health Officer for approval (as well as obtain standard planning & building consents). Once your premises are complete, you will need to complete a registration/notification form prior to serving food. 

For any queries regarding the sale or provision of prepared food to the public, please contact the Shire's Environmental Health Officer on 9756 1018 or at health@nannup.wa.gov.au.

Food Safe Online Food Handler Training

The Food Safety Standards place obligations on food businesses to produce food that is safe and suitable to eat. Food handlers are also required to have skills and knowledge of food safety and hygiene matters.

With more and more people eating out on a regular basis, food poisoning is on the increase. As people now take legal action when something goes wrong, it makes sense for food businesses to protect themselves by making sure their products are as safe as possible.

FoodSafe has been developed by Environmental Health Australia for individuals and is an ideal first step towards safer food. It is an interactive food handler training program and is available free of charge to all food businesses, community groups and residents within the Shire of Nannup. The program is fully online with training videos and questions and a certificate is issued upon completion of the course.

To access FoodSafe, please visit https://www.ehawa.org.au/products/foodsafe-products/foodsafe-online where you will be able to purchase the online course free of charge.

Please note, you will be required to use the unique discount voucher code FSNANNU334 on the payment details page to apply the $35 discount. You will then need to complete the transaction and follow the downloadable instructions to register and start the course.

Food safety training is not a requirement if:

  • you are trading solely for a community or charitable cause; and
  • potentially hazardous foods are not involved.

HOWEVER we encourage you to complete the free online course anyway.

View a video preview of FoodSafe Online Handler Training here

FoodSafe Online Food Handler Training

Liquor Licences

If your business includes the sale or consumption of alcohol, you will require a liquor licence which is issued by the Department of Local Government Sport and Cultural Industries under the Liquor Control Act 1988.

How do I obtain a Liquor Licence?

Business owners should first contact the Department of Local Government Sport and Cultural Industries directly to determine what approvals are required.

Phone: (08) 6551 4888
Website: dlgsc.wa.gov.au/racing-gaming-and-liquor

You may then need to contact the Shire to obtain a section 39 and/or section 40 certificate to support your application.

What is a Section 39 or Section 40 certificate?

To support your Liquor Licence application, you may be asked to provide a Section 39 and/or Section 40 certificate which is issued by the Shire.

Section 39 Certificate is issued by our Environmental Health Officer and states the premise or the proposed premise complies with the Health Act 1911 and the Food Act 1995.

Section 40 Certificate is issued by our Development Services team and states that the proposed use of the premises is consistent with the current planning approval affecting the property.

How do I apply for a Section 39 certificate?

For a Section 39 certificate, you will need to complete a Liquor Licence Application (Section 39) which will be assessed by our Environmental Health Officer.

For your application to be processed you will need to provide the following:

  • completed application form
  • payment of relevant application fees.

Application for a Section 39 Certificate

    Noise & Nuisances


    Unreasonable noise can be annoying. It can interfere with the health, welfare, convenience, comfort or amenity of a person receiving the noise. In most cases, noise issues are resolved by the people involved.

    Talking with your neighbours and coming up with a solution is the best way to deal with the problem. It could be as easy as turning down the bass on your stereo or practicing your musical instrument when your neighbour is still at work.

    Where this hasn't helped, the Shire of Nannup's Environmental Health Officer or the WA Police may be contacted for assistance.

    The Shire will require you to complete a Noise Investigation Request Form and record necessary details. Information such as the nature of the complaint, duration and exact location of the noise source is required. The Shire will then investigate the matter further and determine whether the noise complies with the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997.

    If you have problems with noise from barking dogs please contact the Shire's Ranger Services on 9756 1018 as this matter is covered under the Dog Act 1976 and not the noise regulations.

    Noise Investigation Request Form


    Public health legislation exists to govern nuisances by way of odour and their potential to be injurious or dangerous to health. This can take the form of malfunctioning septic tank systems, keeping animals in such a way so to create a foul odour or attract pests, as well as any form of accumulation that in itself creates a nuisance or attracts or harbours pests.

    Part 5 of the Shire of Nannup Health Local Laws have been implemented to specifically outline how certain activities may be carried out so as to minimize any potential impact to any neighbouring properties.

    If you would like to lodge a complaint about a nuisance, please complete a General Request Form and return it to the Shire administration office or by email to nannup@nannup.wa.gov.au for follow up by the Shire's Environmental Health Officer.

    Shire of Nannup Health Local Laws

    General Request Form


    Regardless of the type of property, any waste water produced will need to be disposed of in an approved manner. Disposing of waste water other than rainwater in a stormwater drain is not permitted.

    For most properties within the Nannup townsite, this will mean connecting to the Water Corporation’s reticulated sewerage system. In areas where reticulated sewerage is not available, onsite effluent disposal is required. To see if a property is connected, or can be connected to sewer, please contact the Water Corporation on 13 13 95. 

    If sewer is not available, an approval to install an onsite effluent disposal system will be required. To obtain approval an application must be lodged with the Shire's Environmental Health Officer which will then be assessed and subject to approval conditions. 

    Prior to any works taking place, it is a requirement that an application form be submitted to the Shire of Nannup, along with suitable plans and fee.

    Onsite effluent disposal

    In areas where reticulated sewerage is not available, onsite effluent disposal is required. Onsite effluent disposal refers to the treatment and discharge of waste water from properties onsite. Most effluent disposal systems used and installed are septic tanks and leach drains. The type and size of system will depend on a number of factors including the scale of development, volume of wastewater produced as well as environmental factors such as type of soil and proximity of water bodies or groundwater.

    There are a number of different types of systems all with their own unique advantages and disadvantages. In some cases there may be restrictions on the type of system permitted usually due to environmental factors but in other cases it is a matter of personal preference. Regardless of the method ALL disposal and treatment systems must be made up of approved components. For more information, including what constitutes an approved system, please refer to the Department of Health.

    Before an onsite effluent disposal system is installed, an application must be lodged with the Shire and approval obtained.

    For applications for a single residence approval is obtained direct from the Shire. You will need to lodge an application form, which can be found at the link below, along with the required fees and supporting documentation. For commercial properties, an application for a second system on a property, or systems larger than 540L/day you will also require approval from the Department of Health. These applications are still lodged to the Shire however additional fees may apply. Once an application is received it will be assessed by the Environmental Health Officer to ensure the proposal complies with legislative requirements.

    Application to Construct or Install an Apparatus for the Treatment of Sewage

    Decommissioning existing systems

    When sewer becomes available to a premises which has an onsite effluent disposal system, the owner has five years in which to disconnect the disposal system and connect to the sewer. When undertaking this work many people take the opportunity to decommission the onsite disposal system at the same time although this is not legally required.

    Decommissioning of an onsite effluent disposal system is only required when –

    • There is a change in use of the premises, or 
    • The property is sold (within 60 days after change of ownership), or 
    • Extensions to the property encroach on set-back requirements for the system.

    To decommission an apparatus you must –

    • Have the septic tanks emptied by a Licensed Liquid Waste Contractor and disposed of at an approved site. 

    and either

    • Remove the septic tanks, leach drains or soak wells from site and backfill with clean compacted sand (this option is recommended particularly if property development is planned in the future).


    • Remove the septic tank, leach drain or soakwell lids and ensure the bottom of the septic tanks are broken up. Backfill the septic tanks, leach drains and soak wells with clean compacted sand.

    Unfortunately once a system has been decommissioned it can be difficult to prove this fact. Therefore owners are encouraged to retain copies of any receipts and where possible take photos of the decommissioning work being undertaken for future reference.

    Dealing with Problems from Waste Water


    If the problem is with the Water Corporation’s sewer you can contact them on 13 13 75 to report the fault.


    If the problem lies with the property's plumbing (on site disposal system or prior to sewer connection point) then the owner is responsible for undertaking repairs. They should engage the services of a licenced plumber to undertake any repairs.


    Onsite effluent disposal systems will not function forever. Over time the soil surrounding the leach drains becomes clogged and saturated with fats which prevent it draining properly. If you have an old system which is not draining correctly your leach drains may need rejuvenating. To do this the existing soil surrounding the leach drains is removed and disposed of and new clean soil reinstated. Approval for this work is not required by the Shire unless the actual leach drains are going to be replaced.


    Copies of plans may be available from the Shire however depending on the age of the property, this is not always the case or the quality of the information may be limited.  If the property is connected to sewer the Building Permit may show the plumbing lines. If there is an onsite disposal system then this will be shown in the septic approval. Contact the Shire on 9756 1018.


    If you experience odour issues from a neighbouring property you should discuss the problem with them. If you are still unhappy you may report the issue to the Shire's Environmental Health Officer who will investigate the situation further. Please complete a General Request form and return it to the Shire office or by email to nannup@nannup.wa.gov.au.

    General Request Form

    Water Testing

    The Shire of Nannup can undertake bacterial testing of your drinking water.

    Microbiological sample results may show the potential for pathogens to be present in the water source and therefore determining if remedial action is required to improve water quality. Drinking water sources may include rainwater tanks, dams and bores. For costs related to bacterial water sampling, please refer to the Shire's fees & charges

    Please note that food premises are required to provide a potable water supply and the Shire of Nannup undertakes a regular water sampling program for its food premises who do not have a reticulated water supply. There is currently no charge to these businesses for routine sampling however any additional requests for water sampling will incur the standard fee.

    The Shire's Environmental Health Officer uses specialised containers to collect the samples therefore water samples brought into the office cannot be accepted. 

    Water samples are sent to the PathWest Centre in Perth for testing with results usually available within a week. Once the results have been returned to the Shire of Nannup, they will be interpreted and compared with the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. You will then be contacted by the Shire's Environmental Health Officer with the information and advice.

    The Shire of Nannup will issue invoices for the water sampling service once the water has been collected.

    For more information on drinking water quality, please refer to the Department of Health.