Sustainability Advisory Committee
The Sustainability Advisory Committee recommends to Council potential incentives, initiatives, programs and recommendations which can be introduced into daily operations, policies, forward planning and community communications. The committee meets on the third Wednesday of the month with meetings bi-monthly.

All minutes for the Sustainability Advisory Committee are attached to Ordinary Council Meeting agendas for endorsement.
Terms of Reference
The Shire of Nannup has established a Sustainability Advisory committee to develop a leadership role in the community. The committee will recommend to Council potential incentives, initiatives, programs and recommendations which can be introduced into daily operations, policies, forward planning and community communications.
Sustainability Advisory Committee
Members and Commitment
Voting members:
- Six (6) community members will be appointed by Council
- Two (2) Members of Council
Non-voting members
- Shire of Nannup Chief Executive Officer
- Other Shire Staff (as required)
- 1 Member representing Lower Blackwood Catchments Council
- 1 Member representing Traditional Custodians
- 1 Member representing the Department Water and Rivers.
- 1 Member representing the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions
- Actively attend meetings in person (preferred) or virtually on a regular basis when convened in advance by the Shire.
- Be impartial in their representation during discussions and recommendations.
- Support and provide constructive input in order to see projects and activities succeed.
- Represent the Shire and the project in a professional and positive manner to the community.
To provide advice to Council regarding strategic policy direction with the aim of promoting sustainability outcomes that are environmentally responsible, socially and culturally sound and economically viable.
Advice to council may be provided on the following sustainability topics:
- Biodiversity and sensitive areas
- Cultural heritage
- Built environment
- Emission reduction
- Land and waterways
- Land/reserve restoration
- Biosecurity – weed and pest management
- Water conservation
- Waste and recycling
- Community engagement and information sharing on sustainable practices
Functions of Committee
- Identification of opportunities for activation of sustainability practises in the Shire of Nannup.
- Liaison with other relevant community groups/and or service agencies over potential sustainability projects.
- Communicate with, and inform the local community about activities of the Committee.
- To provide advice to Council on the development, management and promotion of sustainability practices in the Shire of Nannup.
- To make recommendations to Council in regards to matters that will improve sustainability in the Shire of Nannup for the benefit of the broader community.
- To provide advice on trends in sustainability (eg- technologies, government policy)
Extent of Authority
- The Committee is a formally appointed committee of Council and is responsible to the Council.
- The Committee does not have executive powers nor authority to implement actions in areas over which the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has legislative responsibility.
- The Committee is to report to Council and provide appropriate advice and recommendations on matters relevant to its Objectives and Functions. This is in order to facilitate informed decision making by Council in relation to the legislative functions and duties of the local government that have not been delegated to the Chief Executive Officer.
- The Committee has no delegated powers under any legislation and is to advise and make recommendations to Council for consideration and/or decision making.
- The Committee has the power to invite ad-hoc persons to attend the Committee meetings from time to time to assist the Committee in its functions but does not have the power to appoint or remove members to the Committee. Invited persons do not have voting rights.
Shire Responsible for the Management of the Advisory Committee
Specifically, the Shire is responsible for the following matters:
- The Chair and Deputy Chair positions to be held by members of the Council and the Chief Executive Officer as a proxy in that order is to be Chair at Committee meetings.
- Preparation and distribution of agendas to all members in Shire’s prescribed format, inclusive of Committee members items for discussion, in advance of the meeting.
- Recording and preparation of minutes of meetings.
- Preparation of any reports to Council for consideration.
- Booking of all meetings including virtual options (where possible).
Declarations of Interest
- All voting members will declare any perceived or real interest on any matter that is discussed by the Committee.
- All declarations are to be declared at the beginning of the meeting.