Ngoolark MTB Jump Park
After completing an Aboriginal heritage assessment, the Mountain Bike Jump Park was named the ‘Ngoolark MTB Jump Park’. Ngoolark is the Noongar name for the white tail black cockatoo. The location of the park was identified as culturally significant as it is a nesting ground for the white tail black cockatoo.
The recommendation from the assessment was to name the park after the white tail black cockatoo. The local aboriginal cultural heritage advisory committee, Karri Karrak, were engaged in the naming process. ‘Ngoolark’ has been utilised to create a striking logo that continues the branding and colour scheme of Nannup Trail Town assets.
The ecological surveys undertaken informed the area for construction, limiting the construction footprint to within the highly degraded existing track alignments with minimal additional disturbance to the native bush.
The construction of the Ngoolark MTB Jump Park has now been completed and the park is now open with final signage installed. The jump lines were built by Three Chillies Design, using a local Western Australian product called acrylic polymer to seal the gravel. This will give the tracks about a ten-year life cycle.
The park consists of two downhill mountain bike jump lines and one return trail. There is one intermediate (Blue) Jump Trail of 160m in length and an advanced (Black) Jump Trail of 160m in length, with a return trail that will see upgrades to existing tracks and roads along Miller Road including the Old Timberline Trail alignment.
This project has been approved by the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) who are project partners. The Ngoolark MTB Freestyle Jump Park is the next asset available in Nannup’s Trail Town journey.
The Trail Town project is federally funded through the Regional Recovery Partnership Program. It aims to support the tourism offering within the Shire, while offering a healthy recreational pursuit with an intent to connect the community with nature.
The Shire of Nannup encourage locals to ride out to the park and enjoy the jump lines.
Please find the map below: