Community Grants Program
Community groups and sporting associations are encouraged to apply for funding through the Shire of Nannup Community Grants program for consideration in the upcoming budget. Each year the Community Grant program will be available over two rounds.
Round one opens in March and closes on the last day in April for projects to commence between July to December.
Round two opens in September and closes on the last day in October for projects to commence between January to December,
Funding priority will be given to projects that:
- align with the Shire of Nannup Vision
- have benefit to the community of Nannup as a major outcome
- promote community involvement, groups / individuals working together incorporate a variety of sectors for example: youth, seniors, parents, sports people, artists, people with disabilities, families
- promote sustainability (rather than reliance on grants)
- initiatives that demonstrate a creative approach
Preference is given to applications that demonstrate a commitment either in cash or in-kind toward a project. Funding for projects on private property are generally not approved. An acquittal will only be required for projects that received funding for medium and large grants.
Community Grants Program Funding.
There will be four categories for funding:
- Small Grants of $500 and under;
- Medium Grants of $501- $1,000 matching funding. The applicant must match these funds $ for $;
- Large Grants $1001 - $3,000 event funding. The applicant must match these funds $ for $ and applicable where a total event budget exceeds $5,000 and the program is comprehensive; and
- Venue hire. This is for organisations that are seeking Council assistance with venue hire for activities and events throughout the year.
Organisations seeking support for venue hire are requested to complete the form.
Application Forms and Grant Guidelines are available from the Shire office or can be completed electronically by clicking on the button below.
Application for Community Grant Program
Community Grants Acquittal Form
Please call the Shire on 9756 1018 or email for any further queries.
In 2024 2025 the Shire of Nannup supported 11 community groups to deliver 13 projects through the program including:
- Friends of Community House
- Friends of the Darradup Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade Inc
- Friends of the Foreshore
- Nannup Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc
- Nannup Community Cinema Incorporated
- Auskick
- Nannup Family Collective
- Friends of the Donnelly River
- Blackwood River Arts Trail
- Nannup Bowling Club
- Nannup Community Markets