Gift Register
Name of person making disclosure Description of gift Name and address of person who made gift Date gift was received Estimated value of gift at time it was made Nature of relationship between person who made gift and person who received gift For a gift that is a travel contribution - description and date of travel For an excluded gift under s.5.62(1B)(a): the date of the approval refereed to in s.5.62(1B)(a)(ii) and the reasons for the approval
Lisa Atkinson 2 x cartons of mixed wine Blackwood Valley Wine Association
Boyup Brook
22/11/2024 $480.00 Sponsorship
David Taylor Tickets to Awards Night Nannup Chamber of Commerce and Industry
09/11/2024 $60.00 Professional-Approved
David Taylor SEGRA Attendance Ticket, Busselton Regional Development Australia
Bunbury WA
30/10/2024 $1,150.00 Professional-Approved
Nicole Botica SEGRA Tickets Regional Development Australia South West
29/10/2024 $1,150.00 Sponsorship
David Taylor All areas pass UCI Belgium UCI
05/10/2024 $500.00 Professional-Approved
Nicole Botica All area access UCI
05/10/2024 $400.00 Partnership/Collaboration/2026 Nannup UCI
Cr Ian Gibb Free Ticket to the Nannup Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Business Awards Nannup Chamber of Commerce and Industry
PO BOX 209, Nannup 6275
01/10/2024 $60.00 Shire Councillor
Cr Ian Gibb Free Event Ticket Cycling Eventures
01/10/2024 $650.00 Shire Councillor
Cr Bob Longmore 2 weekend tickets to Nannup Music Festival 2024 Nannup Music Club Inc
Brockman Street, Nannup
29/02/2024 $700.00 Cr Longmore is a lifetime member of the Nannup Music Club Inc.
Jane Buckland 3 x bottles of wine Lloyd Douglas
Balingup-Nannup Rd, Nannup WA 6275
01/12/2023 $54.00 Professional
Jane Buckland Potted plant Shannon Steinki
225 Johnston Rd, Jalbarragup WA 6275
20/12/2022 $40.00 Professional
Jane Buckland 1 x jar of honey Brendon Joyce
48 Fraser St, East Fremantle WA 6158
23/08/2022 $10.00 Ratepayer
Lorraine Learmond Box of chocolates Rosalyn Thompson
Forrest Street, Nannup
24/06/2022 $12.00 Customer
Nicole Botica Local Wine, Hillbille Sauvignon Blanc 2020 Lloyd Douglas
Balingup-Nannup Road, Nannup Western Australia 6275 ยท ~15.9 km
21/02/2022 $20.00 Rate payer
Jane Buckland Local Wine, Hillbille Sauvignon Blanc 2020 Lloyd Douglas
2195 Balingup Nannup Rd, Nannup
21/02/2022 $20.00 Rate payer
Nicole Botica - Economic & Community Development Coordinator 3 cartons of mixed wine. Blackwood Valley Wine Association
Boyup Brook
07/12/2021 $720.00 Sponsorship
Nicole Botica - Economic & Community Development Coordinator 2 x bottle of wine, 4 x glasses, 4 x water bottes and 4 x rubber balls. Servite College
East Nannup Road
02/12/2021 $150.00 Professional
Sarah Dean Flowers Mr Fred Taylor
52/118 Marine Terrace
10/11/2020 $50.00 Professional
Nicole Botica Lindt Chocolates Marion Massam - Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Locked Bag 39, Cloisters Square Perth WA 6850
26/06/2020 $10.00 Professional
Jane Buckland 1 x jar of honey Trevor Puckridge
38 Valley Way, Nannup
28/02/2020 $6.00 Professional
Lorraine Learmond Chocolates Men's shed
Widdeson St
30/08/2019 $10.00 Thank you gift
Louise Stokes Garden Centre Voucher Derek Brown (Nannup Men's Shed)
Adam Street
12/06/2019 $50.00 Going Away Gift
Jane Buckland Chocolates Alwyn Mailes
225 Johnston Rd, Jalbarragup
11/06/2019 $10.00 Professional/Business acquaintance
Robert Longmore Second hand book Shire of Nannup Library
15 Adam Street
25/04/2019 $5.00 Professional
Jane Buckland Chocolates Steve Fraser - Sugar Mountain Electrical
2412 Balingup-Nannup Rd, Nannup
15/11/2018 $15.00 Professional/Business acquaintance
Jane Buckland 1 x Truffle Butter, 1 x Pork Rillettes Stephanie Cornu - The French Pantry
Stephanie Cornu - The French Pantry
31/08/2018 $40.00 Professional/Business acquaintance
Louise Stokes Gift Voucher to Pickle & O Linda Thompson
50 Valley Way
05/06/2018 $25.00 Work Experience - Shire of Nannup
Louise Stokes 2 x VIP Tickets to Quit Forest Rally 27/4/2018 John Gibbons
PO Box 7124 Applecross 6153
27/04/2018 $120.00 Event Liaison Shire of Nannup

Register of Gifts and Travel to 18 October 2019

Prior to the amendments to the Local Government Act 1995 proclaimed on the 18 October 2019, local governments were required to maintain a register of gifts and travel contributions received by the Mayor, Elected Members, Chief Executive Officer and relevant employees. This register is now redundant but is required to remain publicly available.

View Register of Gifts and Travel to 18 October 2019